July 2010

Arrest made during drug sting in White Center

A man was detained Tuesday night, July 21, outside Big Al Brewing in White Center by King Co. Transit Police.

After being approached during a drug sting at the bus stop near 16th St S. W. and S. W. Roxbury St. the suspect ran from police and was apprehended in front of patrons and bystanders outside the local brewery.

Officers said he was being arrested because of an unspecified warrant violation and would not divulge the name of the individual.


Alki Art Fair July 24, 25 will feature more than 70 artists and live music

The annual Alki Art Fair this weekend will open at 10:00am on Saturday July 24 showing paintings, sculptures, photographs, metal fabrications, and many crafts from 72 artists. The fair continues on Sunday the 25th.

While many are local West Seattle artists some have made a trek to get here coming from Steilacoom, Kent, Duvall, Whidbey Island, Bellingham and even Austin, Texas. The event will also offer live music and a variety of fun food from Barbecue to hot dogs, kettle corn to shave ice and cotton candy.

The music at the fair will range from Rhythm and Blues to Rock n' Roll and even some children's music. There will be a children's arts and crafts booth and an inflatable ride for fun. Download a printable lineup for both days at the link above.

A silent auction is also part of the event. " We have restaurant gift certificates, hotel certificates, fast food gifts and many of the artists are donating a piece of their work," said Mary Pat Byington Assistant Recreation Coordinator.


Pet of the Week: Sofa and Dahlia are like friendly furniture

Dave and Mary Sheely moved here from Cincinnati three years ago with their dog, a large breed called a Newfoundland. Then, sadly that dog passed away.

With their dog now gone, they would come home and it, "felt like someone stole our furniture." Mary said.

After swearing they would never get another large dog, on a trip to the pound two weeks later, they saw a large dog, called an English Mastiff with long hair, a variation of the breed sometimes called Fluffies, and they had to have him.

"We didn't know what he was when we first got him until Dave did some research," Mary said. Then it was time to decide what to call him.

"Dave said 'we should call him Sofa because it's like our furniture's back.' ", Mary explained.

He's almost the size of small couch weighing in at 180 pounds. Dahlia, while smaller is also a big dog.

They don't really jump on the furniture much since they are frankly too large for it.


West Seattle public meeting to focus on ‘green’ options for stormwater control, Aug. 5

Residents invited to review project proposals for Sunrise Heights, Westwood

Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO's) are on the agenda again and King County has a goal of reducing their number to meet state regulations. Combined Sewer Overflows are in place in older parts of King County’s wastewater system. They carry both wastewater and stormwater to the treatment plant. When heavy rains fill the pipes, excess stormwater and sewage flow directly into local bodies of water. They were originally designed to avoid damage to facilities and sewer backups into homes and businesses and onto streets during storms.

Today, CSOs are a concern because untreated wastewater and stormwater may be discharged into Puget Sound during large rain events or rain induced snow melts posing risks to public health and the environment. The County's long-term goal is no more than one untreated discharge per location per year.

The county is seeking 'green' methods for controlling stormwater.

King County released this announcement about the next meeting:


Weekly Calendar

Deadline for receiving items for Community Calendar is 5 p.m. Wednesday for the following week's Times/News. Events are published based on timeliness and space availability. The full calendar appears at www.highlinetimes.com. E-mail listings to hteditor@robinsonnews.com. Compiled by Shara Hamby, TIMES/NEWS

July 23
Free Health Education Classes for Seniors--Judson Park Retirement Community is offering free monthly classes in the Health Center Rehab Gym. July's class is "Motivate Me! Ways to enjoy exercise in the Golden Years." 3-4 p.m. For info 206-878-6357.

August 4
Business After Hours--Southwest King County Chamber of Commerce and Discover Burien. 5-7 p.m. at Evergreen Eye Center, 14031 Ambaum Blvd S.W. RSVP swkingcowa.usachamber.com/custom2.asp? pagename=calendar&a=view&eid=55790 or 206-575-1633. Free admission.

August 18


Police Blotter: The great unknown

2:36 p.m. July 15, 7900 Block of Third Ave. N.W.

A neighbor called 911 to report a male kicking in her neighbor's front door. The man left the scene carrying an unknown item, according to the caller.

No one was home at the neighbor's house. According to the police report, officers "do not know what, if anything, was taken."

3:30 p.m. July 16, 800 Block of N.W. 70th St.

Unknown persons entered the residence and took unknown items.

2:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. July 15, 10300 Block of 11th Ave. N.W.

A woman stated that someone entered her home through a sliding kitchen window that was left open, though with a window screen in place. She said she believes the suspects exited in the same manner.

The screen had been replaced in the window, but backward, as if someone had put it back in from outside the house. There was also a handprint left on the sliding window.

The woman reported missing $300 from her wallet and a pool cue worth approximately $200.


Summer Lego Camps At Alki Bathhouse

Give your child a 'Lego' up

The Seattle Parks Department wants you to know about Lego. Not just about the engineering toy itself but how it relates to the real world of engineering. To that end they are promoting their Lego Camps coming up in August that will help children build what they imagine with the help of an experienced instructor. If your child has mechanical aptitude or you think learning about engineering, physics, and architecture would be good for them, these classes might be just the ticket.

Here are the class listings from Seattle Parks:

Have a budding engineer at home? Get her going with Lego camps, where campers work with more than 100,000 Lego pieces and instruction from an experienced Play-Well Engineering instructor.



Ballard Big Picture: A delicious withdrawal

For the 18th year in a row, customers, community members and everybody else could stop by the Ballard branch of Viking Bank to make a lunchtime withdrawal.

July 20 was the annual Viking Bank Summer BBQ, and bank employees were serving up hot dogs, brats, chili, potato salad, strawberry shortcake and more from the parking lot at 2237 N.W. 57th St.

Viking Bank Vice President Dan Redeker said the barbecue is an opportunity for the bank to celebrate its customers and the neighborhood.

He said the most rewarding part is being able to see the bank's customers in a social setting.

Over a plate of strawberry shortcake, Viking Bank customer Robert Engbloom said the bank is always great to its customers and the community.

His dining companion Dave Hullet agreed, but while bundled in a jacket and hat, lamented the lack of sunshine.

Ballard Big Picture is a column of scenes from around the neighborhood. If you would like to submit a photo for use on this site and in the Ballard News-Tribune, please send it to Michael Harthorne at michaelh@robinsonnews.com. Be sure to include your name and information about your photo.


Benefit concert for victims of Fremont fire

The Five Angels Benefit Concert, featuring performances by Ian McFeron, Kris Orlowski, Massy Ferguson and Big Sur, in support of the surviving victims of the fatal June 12 fire in Fremont will take place Aug. 10 at the Showbox SoDo.

The apartment fire, which was started by a foam mattress leaning against a light bulb, claimed five young lives. The victims of the fire were siblings Yaseen Shamam (5), Nisreen Shamam (6) and Joseph Gebregiorgis (13), as well as cousin Nyella Smith (7) and aunt Eyerusalem Gebregiorgis (22).

It was the most deadly fire in Seattle since 1971, according to a press release for the benefit concert.

The victims are remembered by family members who lost not only their loved ones, but also their home and most of their belongings, according to the press release.

To provide support to the family, a portion of the profits from the benefit concert will be provided to the surviving mothers to fund the family’s immediate needs with the remaining profits being placed in a college trust fund for the one surviving child of the family, Samarah Smith, according to the press release.


Call for all those who danced at the 'Trianon Ballroom' in Seattle

Reunion set for former dancers

Sunday, September 26th from 3p.m to 5p.m. at Bridge Park Retirement Residence, at 3204 SW Morgan Street,
will be a reunion of all those who danced at the old Trianon Ballroom in downtown Seattle some years ago.

Refreshments will be served.

Georgie Kunkel, the oldest standup comic in Seattle, will be the MC for the program. There will be a display of wonderful
old post cards from the era, Shirley Temple dolls and a collage of WWII era Saturday Evening Post covers. Bill Teasley will play WWII
era songs on his guitar for a sing-along. And of course, you can reminisce about dancing at the grand old Trianon Ballroom.
Some of you may have even met your spouses there.

Please call Helen Teasley at 206-246-1501 or Georgie Kunkel at 206-935-8663 to RSVP.
