July 2010

Bomb disposal, church robbery head police blotter

Local bomb disposal
Police were called to the 2100 block of South 128th Street to dispose of old explosives. A resident had discovered the old firecrackers when cleaning out his garden shed. A possible tennis ball bomb was included with the fireworks.

Church robbed
Two juvenile suspects pried open the back door of a church located at 18435 42nd Avenue South and threw three small smoke bombs into the hallway. No arrests have been made.

Domestic violence
A resident of the 1990 block of 64th Place South reported that her husband had cut her with a knife and threatened to kill her, violating a no-contact order. He threatened to kill his wife and children after he was released.

Unpleasant "package"
Police were advised that a resident of the 3200 block of 161st Street found dog feces in his mailbox. Nothing else was left behind to indicate who the suspect might be.

Tacoma women charged with promoting sexual abuse of a minor

Municipal League rates 36th District candidates

On July 19, the Municipal League of King County released its nonpartisan evaluations of 122 legislative, judicial and local candidates, including the 36th District's four candidates for the Aug. 17 primaries.

In the race for 36th District Representative Position 2, democratic incumbent Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson was rated Very Good while her challenger, Republican Jill England, received a Not Qualified rating.

In the 36th District State Senator race, incumbent Democrat Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles was given an Outstanding rating while her challenger, Republican Leslie Klein, was rated Not Qualified.

To determine candidate ratings, volunteers throughout King County have joined the Municipal League's Candidate Evaluation Committees to study the public record, review candidate questionnaires, speak with references and conduct interviews with candidates, according to a Municipal League of King County press release.

Committee members rate each candidate on four criteria: involvement, character, effectiveness and knowledge. The possible ratings are: Outstanding, Very Good, Good, Adequate, Not Qualified and Insufficient Information to Rate.


Hospital Hangover

One of my family physicians once bragged that I was her only patient that took no medication. I thought I was doing well even after beginning to take pills for arthritis until I was advised by my health nurse to call 911 for possible heart symptoms. It wasn’t supposed to happen to me. I was always the one with the great vital signs so what was I doing on the gurney being lifted into the ambulance and being given aspirin to chew and nitroglycerin to take just in case. Visions of my insides blowing up after taking a medication that sounded like an explosive compound went through my head.

I lay exposed to the elements as the medics carried me down my front steps,the neighbors peering out from behind their blinds. I felt vulnerable. My thoughts were filled with my heart stopping before I could reach the hospital but I used humor to deflect my stress. I told the medics who were monitoring me it would all become a standup comedy routine when it was all over.


On the Go - Week of 7-19-10

West Seattle Events and Announcements

Free Transcendental Meditation Introduction
Viking Bank
4022 SW Alaska St.
July 28, 7:30 p.m. Wes Busch, West Seattle resident and certified teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique, will be speaking about the profound benefits of this scientifically verified technique. Pre-registration required. Call Wes at 425-221-3203.

Furry Faces Foundation Plant Sale at Hotwire Coffeehouse
Hotwire Online Coffeehouse
4410 California Ave. SW
Sale entire month of July. Lora Lewis and her animal loving staff are selling our plants. Currently filling the courtyard: Stipa Sirocco, Blue Oat Grass, Phlox, Lavender, Sage, Grape Vines, Dianthus, Violas, Margarita Sweet Potato Vine, Coleus Varieties, Catmint, Tomato Plants and other NW perennials. New plants will be added as they mature, so please stop by on a regular basis.

Holiday Craft Kits and Materials Sale
Emilie’s Treasures Thrift Boutique
Providence Mount St. Vincent
4831 35th Ave SW


Walk Bike Ride says Councilmember Rasmussen and Mayor McGinn

In the following statement West Seattle resident and Seattle Councilmember Tom Raasmussen invites others to Walk Bike Ride to work:

Join Me for the “Walk Bike Ride Challenge”

This week several City Councilmembers and I will be participating in the “Walk Bike Ride Challenge” of Mayor McGinn. The goal is to convert two car trips per week to walking, biking or riding to shop, work or play. This is a great idea and sounds pretty easy to me.
If you would like to join me on my commute to work next week, meet me at Weather Watch Park at 4035 Beach Drive SW at 7:00 a.m. I will be riding my bike from that location each morning for the next five days unless something requires me to take the #37 bus instead.
I will be updating this blog with experiences from my commute trips. You can let me know by commenting here how you are participating by taking the challenge yourself.

Here is where you can sign up and get more information:


Tom Rasmussen


SLIDESHOW: West Seattle Garden Tour 2010

Reports from the tour; Photos from all gardens

Photojournalist Kim Robinson took the West Seattle Garden tour and filed reports as she toured. We added updates from each location and photos to a slideshow from each of the gardens.

Here's our primary story about the Garden Tour.

Master Composter's Garden

She started this garden from grass in late 1999, working little by little with a lot of composting and cover cropping. She began the garden more seriously in 2003. The gardener said, "It's food for the birds, the bees and me!"

Birdland Garden
Everything here looks like a place to live for birds and people. There are dozens of places for birds to set up residence and the garden is adjacent to a converted carport which provides a great place to watch the wildlife. There are numerous benches around the garden where you can sit and observe.

His and Her's or Her's and His Garden


SLIDESHOW: Vintage house is moved in the middle of the night

Takes up all lanes as it goes down California Avenue S.W.

This three-bedroom 1924 house rolled off its 42nd Avenue Southwest lot, just north of the QFC at 3:00 a.m. Sunday Morning, July 18, and was moved about a mile northwest, traveling on California Avenue SW. Its current owners, Beth Koutsky and Jacques White, followed along as the house was moved and plan to live in it, on its Southwest Stevens Street lot.


"It's pretty exciting, kind of emotional really," said Beth. "It sort of feels like you're plucking someone from an orphanage. It would be nice if we could find homes for all these other houses too," she said pointing to some charming homes, then a not-as-charming townhouse cluster.

"Watching it come off the ledge was like watching sausage being made, kind of fascinating but kind of unsettling," recalled Jacqes, as his house cruised by the 7/11 at California and Charlestown.


SLIDESHOW: Gyrations abound at Mediterranean Fantasy Festival

You still have time to catch some of the hundreds of belly dancers that have been performing on an outdoor and indoor stage in Hiawatha Park during the 23rd Annual Mediterranean Fantasy Festival and view the 70 booths of clothes, baubles, and jewelry.

The fair runs tomorrow too, Sunday, July 18, 10am-9pm.

Sponsors include the Babylonian Ensemble, Hiawatha Advisory Council, andSeattle Parks & Recreation.



White Center Jubilee Days Parade will be bigger than ever

The White Center Jubilee Days Parade beginning at 10 AM on Sunday July 18, will be bigger and more fun than ever according to organizers.The line up this year features the band Champagne Sundays as the Grand Marshall as well as the Seafair Pirates, Seafair Clowns and the equestrian team the Charros with the Tanboraso Band. The parade is starting from S. W. 114th Ave and will travel north up 16th Ave S. W. and conclude at S. W. 100th Ave. Arrive a little early to get a good place to see it.

Here's this years lineup:

The Wild Ones Biker Club

SHAG – Arrowhead Gardens Independent Living for Seniors

Mario’s entries/stilt walker and Unicyclist – Eric Haines is the comedy rocket master stilt walker. He proves once and for all that eating your vegetables will make you grow big and tall. Alex Kowalcyk (CO-WALL-SICK) is the Seattle’s Pike Place Market juggler. He is also super-tall on his unicycle. He will be performing at the South Stage at the White Center Jubilee Days festival.


Love Longfellow Creek? Here's your chance to help it

Urban Forest Restoration at Longfellow Creek Work Party Sat. July 17

Help the King Conservation District and Longfellow Creek Legacy Council in their continued efforts to restore this great West Seattle Greenspace.

Work crews will be removing morning glory and blackberry and spreading mulch.

Meet at Brandon St. Natural Area, Sw Brandon St and 29th Ave. SW. The work will run from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. but arrive early and be prepared. Contact: Adam at volunteer@kingcd.org.
