Best practices at animal shelter
This is a response to a letter regarding the shelter facility for Burien Animal Care and Control under my direction. I would like to address the situation regarding sick animals at the BACC shelter and the statement made that all of the cats at the shelter were euthanized. This is false.
We still have many healthy, immune cats available for adoption. They can be found on listed under Burien Animal Control.
We did have a kitten adopted out who developed Feline Panleukopenia. The adopted parents' veterinarian diagnosed the kitten through a combination of fecal and blood tests. We were promptly notified and began investigating the health and exposure possibilities of the other cats in our facility.
I pursued a recognized best practice to prevent a widespread outbreak, consistent with the Koret Shelter Medicine program at UC Davis' College of Veterinary Medicine, a leader in shelter medicine education and research: