Living car-free in Seattle
Widely knows as the “Bus Chick”, Carla Saulter is a writer and a mover-and-shaker when it comes to public transportation in the city. In 2003 she exchanged her car keys for a bus pass and has been living car-free ever since. Saulter writes about transit for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Grist and her blog; her picture graces the back of many Metro buses throughout the city; and she serves on the King County's Transit Advisory Committee and Regional Transit Task Force.
From being sacrifice to being a lifestyle choice, giving up a car has profoundly and positively changed her life. She even met her husband (the “bus nerd”) on the 545 bus to Redmond and together they’re raising two bus-riding babies.
BNT sat down with the Bus Chick to chat about the car-free lifestyle, the benefits and the challenges.
BNT: How did this transition to living car-free come about?