Review the facts on the proposed Golf Driving Range; Once done it can't be reversed
The following letter was sent to all Seattle City Council members, Superintendent Williams, and Deputy Supt. Eric Friedli on December 16, 2010:
Dear Seattle City Council Member:
As I'm sure you are aware, the City has finally started to implement Seattle's Golf Master Plan which received a final vote from the Park's Board on April 23, 2009. Despite (former Superintendent) Tim Gallagher's successful effort to cut $9.4 million from the approved budget resulting in "Option 4B Lite," many of the most important and desired elements remained intact, one those being a driving range at West Seattle. The golfing community was excited, West Seattleites were thrilled, and everything seemed to be moving forward according to plan, or so it seemed.
Welcome The "Bait and Switch"