December 2010

91 year-old retired teacher remembers

Marjorie Christianson, 91, has lived in West Seattle since 1920, except for five years in Anchorage where she barely survived the 1965 Earthquake there.

"Oh, it was a mess," recalled Christianson, a Park West Care Center resident. "The Penny's store fell down almost on my car. The poor lady in her car next to me didn't make it."

Many stop Christianson to say 'hello' and to remind her that she was their kindergartener teacher at Arbor Heights School where she taught for 25 years.

"I loved every minute of it," she said of her teaching. Prior to her Arbor Heights stretch, she taught in Elma, Bellevue, and Fort. Richardson, near Anchorage."One (Arbor Heights) student just came to visit me. He's about 6' 5" but looks the same as when he was five.

"I remember almost all of their names, and many of their parents, too," she said.


Coast Guard’s 13th District Commander will address Kiwanis

Press Release:
Members and guests of the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle will be treated to a presentation about the legendary Alki Lighthouse at the noon meeting, Wednesday, Dec. 8. The club meets in the dining room of BE’s Restaurant, 4509 California Ave. S.W. Parking is available in the Free Junction lot across from the rear entrance.

The featured speaker is Rear Admiral Gary Blore, the Coast Guard’s Thirteenth District Commander, and current Coast Guard Ancient Albatross, which identifies him as the longest serving aviator on active duty. His D13 PACNORWEST command includes four states, 4,400 miles of coastline, 600 miles of inland waterways, and a 125 mile international border with Canada.

With over 35 years of commissioned service, Rear Admiral Blore has held numerous positions as both an aviator and officer, including: deployment as an aircraft commander to OPERATION DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM, the Chief of Coast Guard Aviation Forces, a Special Assistant to the President for Border and Transportation Security, and the Coast Guard’s former Chief of Acquisition.


Park West Care Center sends sweet packages to troops

Residents at Park West Care Center, 1703 California Av. got their hands on a lot of candy Wednesday, Dec. 1, but the bulk of the treats will be nibbled on in Afghanistan rather than at their North Admiral residence. Seniors assembled 15 care packages containing holiday cards, mixed nuts and candy, including chocolate, and particularly, Peanut M&M's.

Annie Fairchild, new activities director there who organized the drive explained, "One soldier I correspend with there said it was hard to get Peanut M&M's so we're sending a lot of those. You can only send chocolate in the winter because it melts in the mail during their 110-degree summers.

"We want to support the men and women serving in Afghanistan who are working very hard and are very far away from their families," Fairchild added. "It feels really good to love around the world. We're here in West Seattle and have got a roof over our head and this is from us to them. We have collected 100 greeting cards. Residents, colleagues, friends, and families here have filled them out."

Fairchild has a contact in Afghanistan, a soldier who will receive the packages and distribute them.


Name change coming for new ice cream stand; infringement claimed

Plans on having a new name contest

Open less than a month, the organic ice cream stand the West Seattle Herald told you about first, is in receipt of a letter claiming trademark infringement on another Seattle based ice cream vendor.

Ji Moon Jang, who opened his stand inside Ali's Corner Gasco at 8856 35th s.w got a letter from a prominent Seattle law firm which has demanded that Jang cease the use of the name "Moon-I Ice Cream". Jang told the West Seattle Herald that he will comply with the demands in the letter rather than face legal action.

The name of the stand came about because of his nickname. "In school all my friends called me 'Moonie' so I just thought I could use my own name for my business," Moon said.

The letter requests that he destroy all materials using the name and confirm in writing that this has been carried out. Moon has invested in an outdoor sign and some window decals for the store and until he can remove and destroy them will cover them with paper to comply.


Duwamish River Superfund Update: Attend a DRCC Public Meeting

Press Release from the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition

Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition Press Release:

Attend one of the upcoming Public Meetings:

December 7, 5:30–8:00 p.m. – Spanish/English Bilingual Public Meeting at Concord Elementary School, 723 S. Concord Street in South Park. Open House, Brief Presentation, & Activities. Child care, food, and Spanish interpretation provided.

December 9, 3:30–8:00 p.m. – Afternoon (3:30-5:30) and Evening (5:30-8pm) Sessions available! At South Seattle Community College - Duwamish Campus, 6737 Corson Avenue S. in Georgetown. Food and Vietnamese interpretation provided.

Draft Duwamish River Cleanup Alternatives are out for public review:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) have released a draft study of cleanup alternatives for the Lower Duwamish River. Past and present activities have left a legacy of chemical pollution in the river and in the sediment (mud at the bottom). This pollution comes from many sources, including industries along the river and stormwater runoff from upland activities, streets, and roads.


Which is Better: Affirmations or “Askfirmations?”

By PJ Glassey

I recently learned that affirmations may be even more powerful when they are phrased in the form of a question, rather than a statement.

Affirmations 101

I have instructed many people on the power of affirmations and how they are a powerful tool for helping us reach our fitness, health and wellness goals. I use them myself, and I have seen them produce miracles in many lives. Affirmations are a proven, effective way to reprogram your subconscious brain. This is so important is because your subconscious brain is the “boss” of you. It will make happen whatever it believes, through controlling your conscious and unconscious actions every day.

Good, but not perfect


UPDATE: Teamsters ratify new grocery contract with 95% vote

In Tough Economy - Grocery Store Workers Stand Up Together, Protect Health & Pension Plans, and Wages

Press Release:

Over nine months of contract negotiations, grocery store workers across Puget Sound took actions and stood up together. The big chain grocery stores had come into negotiations proposing serious cuts to nearly every part of the contract, for current and new employees. Those efforts to gut the contract were stopped as the fight to secure a fair contract led to the brink of a strike in mid November – the first in this region since 1989.

“This shows how regular working people – when they stand together – can make their boss sit down and agree to a reasonable compromise,” said Tasha West-Baker, a Safeway worker from Seattle. “They wanted to use the tough economy as an excuse to cut our pay and benefits, but we didn’t let them. We secured a better future for ourselves and our families.”


Neighborhood Gems: Keith Carver

Every child that has attended Loyal Heights Elementary School in the last 14 years has known him as “Keith, the crossing guard”; at Saleh’s he’s “the guy who breaks down the boxes”; and at Robertino’s he’s known as “the joke teller”, “the entertainer” or “Mr. Robertino’s”.

Keith Carver knows everyone and everyone knows Keith. Overtime he has become as loved in the Sunset Hill community as Robertino’s Café, the cozy Italian café on NW 80th that has been a staple for over 22 years.

Born and raised in Ballard, Carver once attended Loyal Height Elementary himself as a young boy. Now 55, he’s still at the school every morning and afternoon chaperoning the children across the streets in a bright orange vest.

“I like the kids,” he said sitting in his usual spot at Robertino’s. “I know most their names and when it’s cold I tell them to bundle up.”

Carver himself bundles up in a warm coat given to him by the neighborhood as a token of appreciation.

“He’s super loved around here and he loves everyone,” said Lori Riley, who works at Robertino’s.

“I met him when he randomly came in one day. He just stood at the doorstep but wouldn’t actually come in,” Riley said.


22 characters, 40 costume changes, two actors and a partridge in a pair tree

ArtsWest Opens A TUNA CHRISTMAS on Dec. 1

This holiday season, ArtsWest Playhouse will transport you to Tuna, Texas – the state’s 3rd smallest town – for the raucous quick-change comedy, Tuna Christmas by Jaston Williams, Ed Howard, and Joe Sears. The show will run Dec. 1-24, with a special holiday party and performance on Friday, Dec. 3.

In this award-winning sequel to Greater Tuna, it’s 24 hours before Christmas and all hell is breaking loose as the eccentric citizens of Tuna attempt to cope with several monumental seasonal traumas.

Whether it’s a disaster-prone theatre production of A Christmas Carol or a sabotaged yard-decorating contest, these extraordinary and devoted characters find a way to forge their own special brand of Christmas.

Tuna Christmas is a show that is dense with strained relationships, ridiculous situations and eccentric characters. And playing all 22 characters are ArtsWest newcomers, Jay Jenkins and Buddy Mahoney.

“Rehearsals have been tremendously fun, and extremely strenuous with so many character and costume changes,” said Director MaryBeth Dagg. “At one point, Jay joked that he needed a defibrillator back stage.”


Reminder: Mayor Mike McGinn’s Community Forum at Youngstown Arts Center is Dec. 2

Mayor Mike McGinn’s Community Forum will be held on Thursday, December 2, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the

Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
4408 Delridge Way SW.

The community forum is an opportunity for members of the West Seattle community to hear about work by City departments, and to converse with the Mayor about issues of interest. Staff from the Seattle Department of Planning and Development will be available at the event with information about the department, including information about the West Seattle Triangle project.
