City Council and West Seattle residents call for action on Beach Drive landslides
Mike Winter lives immediately below the landslide prone hill on the 6200 block of Beach Drive s.w. and, along with city council members, voiced his concerns over a several year delay in fixing the problem to representatives from the Department of Planning and Development (DPD), Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and the City Attorney’s Office in a Seattle City Council meeting on Jan. 25.
“My wife and I and the neighbors around us have been living with the effects of this slide since December 2007,” Winter said during the public comment phase of the meeting. “We live in constant fear of another event and worry not only for our own safety but our adjoining neighbors, the neighbors on the hillside above and the public who use the Beach Drive arterial on a daily basis. If we had even a minor earthquake during a period of heavy rains it could be disastrous.”