Burien to host a “Complete Streets” Workshop
A “Complete Streets” training presented by the Cascade Bicycle Club will be hosted at Burien City Hall on Thursday, Jan. 27.
The event starts at City Hall at 8 a.m. with a presentation and discussion about Complete Streets by David Hiller, Cascade Bicycle Club advocacy director, and Tessa Greegor, the club’s principal planner. The pair will then lead a walking exercise through part of Burien’s downtown.
Complete Streets refer to streets that are "completed" for bicyclists and pedestrians, such as those with sidewalks and bike lanes. This training will help the city develop a policy that considers bicyclists and pedestrians in future street designs within Burien. Burien does not have a Complete Streets policy at this time, but staff has been asked to research and explore such a policy as part of the Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) grant recently awarded to Burien. Staff is currently looking into how Complete Streets have worked in other cities such as Seattle and Redmond.