From Spud Bod to Buff Babe?
So, how's that New Year's resolution to become a 'buff babe' or 'strapping stud' goin', eh?
Yep, it's not quite as easy as those magazine covers promise, is it? "YOU CAN LOOK LIKE THIS IN ONLY TEN DAYS!" 'Hmph, talk about a pile of pies-in-the-pasture!' I say, quite indignantly.
Why is putting ON weight so darned pleasant and taking it OFF so horrifically painful and oft times humiliating? I remember laughing with friends, popping little tidbits into my mouth, and feeling so gay - never once thinking that these "savory sweets" would turn into "lard lumps."
So, I asked myself, "What are ya gonna do about it, hmm?" It comes down to two choices. You treat your life as though it's some sort of dress rehearsal and that you get to choose when the real performance begins.
Or you realize that this life is all you're gonna get and you make the choices and deal with the consequences that coincide with those good or bad choices.
I've heard it called "tough love" but it also translates into "a swift kick in the rear."