Highline Water District should buy out WD 54
At a recent North Hill Community Club meeting, Des Moines councilmember Melissa Musser made a good presentation seeking ideas and solutions towards restoring downtown Des Moines. The audience brought up the water shortage from Water District 54 as part of the problem. Community activities and business cannot grow without an adequate supply of water.
Perhaps now is the time to start thinking outside of the box!
In this region, clean water is plentiful and cheap. However, funding for commercial wells and water mains is scarce, especially for a small water district like WD 54. Some new WD 54 water mains are being laid.
However, the general suspicion is that the Highline water customers are indirectly paying for those mains in their property taxes.
At the risk of rocking the commissioners' boats, perhaps now is the time for Highline Water District to determine how much it would cost to rebuild WD 54, bring WD 54 up to Highline standards and BUY WD 54. Of course, the cost of repairs etc. would be deducted from the buy out.