Referundum-1 to be placed on ballot August 16 regarding deep bore tunnel
Press release from Protect Seattle Now:
On the heels of Judge Middaugh’s ruling that the city was wrong to sue Protect Seattle Now and that after nearly 29,000 signatures, the voters must be allowed an opportunity to weigh in on the unpopular tunnel project, the City Council has today placed Referendum 1 on the August primary ballot.
“We applaud the Council’s affirmation that the citizens of Seattle have the right to reject this tunnel as they rejected the last,” said campaign spokesperson Ben Schiendelman. “The state chose a poor option with no public involvement, and city voters are today empowered to say they want a better solution.”
Protect Seattle Now supports a “no” vote on an August 16th referendum on the deep bore tunnel.
We will update this developing story .
See our prior story here: