Explorer West's 90 students to perform three plays May 13 and 14
Explorer West Drama presents: A Collection of Cultural Myth and Circus
May 13th and May 14th at 7:00 pm.
All 90 students will entertain audiences with a side show circus act, and then perform three, one act plays that are cultural myths in the same evening.
They are: “The Coyote Collection”, a series of Native myths adapted for Explorer West by T. Kent; “The Adventures of Harlequin” a comedic play in the style of Commedia Dell’Arte, written by William Glennon; and "Bocón" a thriller about the mythical La Llorona and disenfranchised people loosing their voice, written by Lisa Loomer.
6th grade will be performing "The Coyote Collection". It is a series of mostly Pacific Northwest native myths about Coyote. They include: how people got fire, how Multinomah falls were made, and how rabbit tricked Coyote.