August 2011

Unfair attack on Bachman

Recently we have seen Rep. Michelle Bachman attacked in her quest for the White House because she suffers from migraine headaches.

I take this as an attack on anyone who has a potential physical problem that therefore precludes them from doing their job, whatever their job may be.

As one astute individual said, I would rather have the President with migraines than the one who gives them.

Phil Stanat
Des Moines

Annexation decision already made

Highline Times, Friday, July 22: Annexation of White Center is affordable. Surprise. Circus Annexus, Act II.

Since Burien would be on the receiving end of a state sales tax credit, Burien can afford to annex North Highline. Never mind that the credit expires after a certain period of time. Would annexation be financially viable without the sales tax credit? What other funds would be required to support the annexation? The answer may never be known while the current council is in power because everyone is on board to come up with data supporting annexation.

Financial data may be central to the question of annexation, but the council states that there are other concerns. Would the other concerns derail the train to annexation? Probably not.

Seattle is still being regarded as the opponent. As one of the council members stated before the last annexation, we do not want Seattle to be too close a neighbor. Whatever Seattle might do would affect the future of Burien.

Thanks for non-profits support

Thank you Highline/Des Moines TIMES for supporting nonprofits with your free 4" x 4" ad that promotes our wonderful non-profits.

Daughters of the American Revolution, or DAR, was founded in Des Moines in 1963 and since then we support community efforts in the Highline area.

Tillicum DAR Chapter donates over 80 books to the Des Moines Library every summer for their Literacy Program. Our members volunteer in North Hill and Des Moines Elementary schools giving talks and making displays of patriotic themes throughout the year. At Mt Rainier we sponsor the Good Citizen Award for volunteer activities and good grades with a monetary award, pin and recognition.

Serving West Seattle, White Center, Tukwila, SeaTac, West hill of Kent and Des Moines we need the support of our local newspaper to promote our education, preservation of records and buildings and patriotism activities.

Also supporting our Des Moines Historical Society and promoting museum hours and our programs helps keep our local history alive and well.


Carol Davis
Des Moines

Thanks for new paving

Has anyone noticed all the new paving in Burien?

Now that Ambaum Boulevard and 148th are finally done, I feel that the contractors, who did all the work, are to be commended.

Sure, we had disruption, but how else can you pave a street that is in constant use?

So, HERE'S TO ALL THE CONTRACTORS. The result is wonderful!

Dean Parkins

All bus riders should pay

Some people board the buses without paying, wearing designer jeans and $200 tennis shoes and bling.

Police are not called, as drivers fear for their safety.

If small laws are not enforced, our buses will continue to be an unsafe alternative.

METRO, put your house in order. In the past, increased revenue to METRO has gone to union pay raises, combined with service cuts.

Most bus riders have cars and are not poor. Let's increase the fares, and make all riders pay.

Kevin Christian
Des Moines

Public asset without access

Regarding the (July 29) Mark Pitzner letter:
Again the issue of public access to Lake Burien is clouded with irrelevant statements.

Public access would violate no property rights. The citizens have a legal right to the surface of Lake Burien because it is a public asset and a public right of way.

However, they do not have physical access because it is surrounded by private property. Some of the public already uses the lake, they just happen to be waterfront property owners.

What we have is a public resource now available for the exclusive use of a privileged few. If the city were to buy property on the lake for a park, it would not violate anyone's property rights.

Mr. Pitzner states, "The city of Burien has been contemplating ruling that the public suddenly has the right to use what was once formerly (sic) private property."

If that was true, I'd join him in opposition, but I challenge him to back the statement up with some sort of evidence.

Lee Moyer

There is a disconnect between third runway and shoreline plan environmental stands

(Editor's Note: As a former employee of the state Department of Ecology, Mr. Hellwig is making his comments as a private citizen and not as a representative of Ecology.)

It's interesting to me that a community that wanted to stop the 3rd runway to protect the environment (or real estate values?) would allow a minority of folks to have negative impact on plans meant to protect shoreline habitat and aquatic resources.

City of Burien elected officials and department heads would benefit greatly from a little research into the policy intent behind the Washington State Shoreline Management Act (SMA) and rulings made by the Washington State Pollution Control Hearings Board (PCHB) with respect to the authorities behind this state law and its proper application.

First of all, it is a state law to be administered by local governments with "oversight" by the state Department of Ecology. City leaders would quickly learn that time and again the PCHB has upheld Ecology's refusal to approve all or portions of locally adopted Shoreline Master Programs (SMPs) that do not adequately consider the requirements of the SMA.

Teen hit by vehicle tops police blotter

Burien pedestrian struck by pick-up
A 13-year-old girl was struck by a pickup truck and critically injured while trying to cross Ambaum Boulevard S.W. near S.W. 154th Street on Aug. 7.
She was taken to Harborview Medical Center. Police said the driver appeared drunk.

Roommate throws furniture
Two men that share a home got into a disagreement about missing money. The first roommate accused the other of stealing some of his money. The second roommate denied taking anything. That was not what the first man wanted to hear and he became irate. He started grabbing miscellaneous items from their home and began to throw it at the second man. The items that were thrown included a dining room chair, cigarette roller and dog food. No serious injuries were reported.

Car break-ins, vandalism, prowlers and thefts

Tukwila Pool measure on August ballot

City of Tukwila officials have announced there is no longer enough money in the budget to continue maintaining and operating the Tukwila Pool.

In an attempt to save the nearly 40 year old community pool a proposition has been placed on the August 16 ballot: Proposition No. 1, Resolution No. 1738.

This proposition, if approved by voters by a simple majority, would allow for the creation of a Tukwila Pool Metropolitan Park District.

Mt. Rainier Pool in Des Moines is operated by a similar park district.

This park district would take full control over the management and maintenance of the pool and will be governed by the Tukwila City Council as the Board of Commissioners. In addition, the boundaries already in place by Ch. 35.61 RCW will still apply.

These boundaries will pass authorization on to the district the right to "levy a general tax on property within the District each year," according to the King County Local Voters Pamphlet. This tax is not to exceed 15 cents per thousand dollars of "assessed valuation" of a property.
