August 2011

Community is polarized by deep bore tunnel, confused by Referendum 1

We asked over 25 folks on Alki if they were for or against the deep bore tunnel under downtown Seattle. While those we feature here voiced their opinions for or against, not all 25 understood Referendum 1, to appear on the Aug. 16 primary ballot, nor said they would vote "yes" or "no" on the referendum. Voting "no" does not kill the tunnel plan, but addresses one aspect of the plan to be reassessed.

Many against the tunnel believe voting "no" serves as a symbolic voice that gives a thumbs down to the project. Many for the tunnel believe voting "yes" is important to move ahead with the project without delay. As is the case in Washington, D.C., and the debt crisis, most here who were asked about the tunnel expressed frustration with the process that has gotten us to this point with the project. Some felt their voices were never heard while others felt it has taken so long to find a solution and we need to "build something now". Some said they were not going to vote in the primaries at all.

Here is the official wording of Referendum 1:


North Delridge Neighborhood Council has a tentative new logo

The North Delridge Neighborhood Council sponsored a logo contest over the last few weeks and took a vote on submissions at their Aug. 8 meeting. The terms of its use are still being negotiated so it's not final and the name of the designer was not released.

The intention is to have it serve for letterhead, cards, banners and more for the organization.

Council meetings are the second Monday of each month at the Delridge Library.


REMINDER: Sup'r and movie event on Alki tonight

Northwest premier of Tahoe SUP Project: Explore Catalina; Race, prizes

The acronym SUP (Stand Up Paddle) is the focus of a special event being put on by Alki Kayak Tours and owner Greg Whittaker tonight. The free event centers on the northwest premier of a film titled Explore: Catalina, an SUP Adventure Film.

While the film plays at 8:00pm it is preceded by demos of SUP gear at 6:00 pm (the first 40 people get them free), and free Hansen's Soda who is one of the sponsors, followed by an SUP race at 7:00.

Revo sunglasses, items from Thule. Oudoor Research, and more will be raffled off.

It will all take place at Alki Kayak Tours, and Alki Crab and Fish. 1660 Harbor Ave s.w..

Sponsors for the event include Hansen's Soda, Mountain to Sound Outfitters, Tahoe SUP, Alki Crab and Fish, Thule, and Boardworks.


Groundswell recognizes Golden Gardens as their "Park of the Month"

In celebration of Ballard's green spaces, Groundswell NW features and celebrates a "Park of the Month" and the community around it. In August the spotlight is on Golden Gardens Park and the group that is preserving the park's natural habitat.

From Groundswell NW:

This August, Golden Gardens Park celebrates one year of stewardship under the Green Seattle Partnership (GSP). Golden Gardens area originally used by native American people who for hundreds of years as a shoring station for canoes and a transfer station for freshwater boats. Harry Whitney Treat developed Golden Gardens Park as an amusement park in 1908. giving its current name at that time. Seattle purchased the park, including its woodlands, or Upper Forest, in 1923 creating Golden Gardens as we know it now.


Seattle Public Schools teachers to take furlough days

Following approval Tuesday night by the Seattle Education Association, Seattle Public Schools teachers, classified staff and non-represented employees will be taking a series of furlough days without pay during the next two school years, designed to offset the state Legislature’s recent $4-million reduction in funding for SPS salaries.

The SEA’s Representative Assembly Tuesday night approved a memorandum of understanding authorizing a package of furlough days during the 2011-12 and 2012-13 school years. Members of the Principals Association of Seattle Schools (PASS), which represents SPS principals and assistant principals, approved a similar memorandum of understanding in July.

“We applaud the SEA membership as well as our non-represented employees for agreeing to take furlough days during these difficult economic times,” said Interim Superintendent Dr. Susan Enfield. “While both Seattle Public Schools and SEA leadership recognize the hardship of taking time off without pay, it is the best way to minimize the impact on classrooms and our students.”


Pet of the week: Kiki is a psychic kitty

Rod and Margie Saxby sort of got their cat Kiki by accident. She's six and half years old but, "We don't know much about her because actually we were sitting in the back yard and she wandered in and sat on Rod's lap. We asked all the neighbors and kept asking but nobody claimed her so she and Rod just had a relationship and that's been it from then on."

The couple has never had animals aside from a dog for a short period but "We just love her. She's the 'cat's meow' you might say," said Margie laughing, "and she just adores Rod."

"She comes in and wakes me up in the morning with her paws and we go out together and eat something, both of us and that's the start of our day," Rod explained.

The couple describe Kiki as a, "very good mouser," who brings her catch into the house, plays with them a bit and then kills them. "You usually find pieces of a mouse around," said Rod. "She's very quick."

They both claim that Kiki has what they regard as a psychic ability. "When Rod comes home or when we pull up in the car, it doesn't matter where she is she comes right to the car. I think she has ESP. She waits for us."


Meet Chris Kinsey: Sealth's new Interim Principal is prepared for the job

Chrisopher Kinsey, just named as the new Interim Principal for Chief Sealth International High School sat down with the West Seattle Herald to talk about the job, his thoughts on education and his plans for becoming part of the fabric of West Seattle.

John Boyd, Principal for the past seven years is moving on to a job with the Highline School District and oversaw the transition from the old Sealth into the new joint Sealth/Denny Middle School campus.

Kinsey acknowledges that, "I have some big shoes to fill and it's a little daunting. John's created a great community over the past years." He believes he's ready for the challenge. "A lot of things I've done have prepared me for this position," he said, " I view myself as an instructional leader and an advocate for children and those are things that I'm going to bring to this community. We're going to have fun this year and turn out a top notch student."


Highland Park Wading Pool Conversion meeting will review design concepts Aug. 23

A public meeting sponsored by Seattle Parks and Recreation is scheduled at Highland Park on Tuesday August 23, 2011 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. to educate the public about the new spraypark coming to Highland Park. Parks solicited feedback in May during a public meeting which 35 people attended to review options for spray features and design ideas presented by the design consultant, SiteWorkshop.

The Parks and Green Spaces Levy funds the conversion of the current wading pool into a new spraypark for the southwest community.

The Levy originally allocated $200,000 for this project. Through the community initiated Opportunity Fund process the project received an additional funding from the Levy inflation fund.

This will allow for full water re-circulating systems which will provide better play experience and water conservation.

The park is located at 1100 s.w. Cloverdale Street in Highland Park.

The total budget for the work is $635,000 which includes planning, design and construction.

Construction is set to begin this fall with completion in early spring 2012.

For more information please visit


Car Racing for the Common Man or Woman ( + SLIDESHOW)

I've known Tim Venable for many years. Tim started preschool with my youngest son Kory at Tukwila Community Center back in 1995. They became friends and went all through school, graduating from Tyee High School in 2007. Tim is now twenty-two years old. I knew Tim was involved in quarter midget racing, which he started at age 6, but that was the extent of it, I never saw him race. I talked to him a few weeks ago and heard he was now racing with the big boys. Being mostly a sports photographer I thought it would be fun to cover racing and especially knowing one of the drivers gave me a special interest. Tim invited me to his next race and even emailed me a free ticket, nice!
