SLIDESHOW: Battle for the Capitol - Local residents take part in the occupy protests in Olympia
An estimated 3,000 people from all over the state of Washington converged on the capitol building yesterday to voice their opinion over proposed cuts to education, social, and health services. Many unions, such as the WEA and SEIU, bused in representatives from as far away as Spokane. Throughout the day people spoke of the need to increase spending for health and education and that any further cuts would drastically effect Washingtonians who already have been hit the hardest. The main thrust of the day was over cuts to health care for the disabled.
West Seattle resident Eric Matheson Coordinator of Advocacy for The Arc of King County has come to Olympia to voice his displeasure over cuts to health care funding, “Because I know it’s important for everyone…people with disabilities want to make enough noise here in Olympia so our governor and our state actually hears what we’re concerned about.”