UPDATE: SLIDESHOW: Teachers protest furlough, "Disrupts students"
Teachers, parents, professionals, school nurses, psychologists, and office workers were released at 11:00 a.m. today for a statewide furlough. At about 1:15 a.m. some teachers gathered with signs in the West Seattle High School Commons. At 1:00 p.m. they joined others from area schools holding signs at the Fauntleroy/Alaska corner and waved as cars drove by, some honking with support. They demonstrated against budget cuts and for the legislature to fully fund education.
Protester and Schmitz Park third grade teacher, Sabrina Storlie, has a son attending her school and another at West Seattle High School.
"Some genius, I'd like to know who, decided we should have furlough days- today, and we also had one at the beginning of the year- because the state didn't have enough money to pay us, so we were forced to leave," said Storlie.
"The worst part about it is the days they chose," added Storlie, a Delridge resident. "We just came off of Christmas break. This is a critical time of year when things get going and the kids are really rolling. Plus, we just had a bunch of snow days. The teachers are trying to catch up.