Local liquor stores sold; One to local developer Leon Capelouto
In the auction of 167 state run liquor stores held last friday two local stores, one just opened last August at 4100 Alaska Way s.w. Store 143 sold to West Seattle developer Leon S. Capelouto for $225,445.00.
Capelouto also successfully bid on and won Store 99 at 1175 NE Gilman Blvd, Issaquah. bidding $251,000. Capelouto, who owns the building which also houses QFC, Petco and the Altamira Apartments, said he plans no major changes for the business. The "5 or 6 employees" have all been offered jobs when he officially takes over on June 2. There may be some minor signage changes but otherwise he "Just bought the right to continue doing business as a liquor store there," he said. Capelouto said he has plans to offer high quality customer service, the ability to order specialty products and plans to offer a wider selection than conventional stores, "There's plenty of business for everyone," he said.
The Issaquah store, "is a little bit different, since I'm not the landlord there," he said but his plans there too are to make very few changes. It's a very good store, great employees out there and most of them want to stay. I've talked to them."