The Ballard valedictorian who beat Leukemia
Mikael Perla asks what side the red-and-black tassel goes on as he tries on his cap and gown for the first time. His black gown is adorned with many colorful cords signifying achievements, and a big golden medal that reads "Valedictorian", an honor he had not expected.
He was always a good student, but Mikael's high school years were unusual. While his peers fought bullies and parental rules, Mikael fought for his life.
It was during his freshman year, just after Christmas break on a Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. when Mikael's mother, Sally, received the phone call. The little lump on Mikael's head that doctors had dismissed as an in-grown hair or something cosmetic had been removed and autopsied. The diagnoses: Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.
"He was 90 percent leukemic then," said Sally, adding that she felt angry that doctors hadn't taken a closer look at the then mosquito-bite-sized lump when she had brought Mikael in for the first time six months before.
After the diagnoses Mikael went straight to the hospital and stayed there for a month.