July 2012

Local postal workers strike to save Postal Service

On June 25, 2012, David Yao, vice president of the local American Postal Workers Union (APWU) and former Ballard post office employee, skipped breakfast and started his four-day tour around Washington state. During those four days Yao skipped all his meals as a metaphor for Congress starving the American Postal Service.

Yao's hungerstrike was in solidarity with his fellow postal worker unionists in Washington, D.C. and other locations throughout the nation. 

Locally, Yao was joined by Clint Burelson from Olympia, and Anthony Foster from Tacoma, and the trio toured around the state, hosting rallies to inform people that Congress is to blame for the downward spiral the Postal Service has found itself in.

"We're hoping to making the public aware that Congress is to blame for what is happening to the Postal Service," Yao said.

Specifically, the activists say a 2006 mandate requiring the Postal Service to prefund retiree health benefits in amounts approximating $5.5 billion is the direct cause for the many closures and service cuts the Postal Service has had to make.


Protect your pets on the Fourth

Fourth of July fireworks are fun for most people but scary for pets. The Humane Society offers these Independence Day pet tips:

Leave them at home-- There are many family and group activities that are perfect for pets, but a public fireworks display or a picnic, cookout or any other type of gathering where fireworks will be set off isn’t one of them – please resist the urge to take your pets to such an event.
Don't leave your pet in the car--
With only hot air to breathe inside a car, your pet can suffer serious health effects—even death—in a few short minutes. Partially opened windows do not provide sufficient air, but they do provide an opportunity for your pet to be stolen.

Give them shelter--
Keep your pets indoors at home in a sheltered, quiet area. Some animals can become destructive when frightened, so be sure that you've removed any items that your pet could destroy or that would be harmful to your pet if chewed. Leave a television or radio playing at normal volume to keep him company while you're attending Fourth of July picnics, parades, and other celebrations.


SLIDESHOW: High bidders attend Annual Duwamish Tribe Gala Dinner & Art Auction


The Annual Duwamish Tribe Gala Dinner & Art Auction took place Saturday night, June 30, at the Duwamish Longhouse Museum in West Seattle. A silent auction was followed by a live auction (after a salmon dinner) which included a cedar chest handmade by John (Jack) Kvarnstrom, a Duwamish Tribe member. It went for a $900 bid. A traditional wooden flute brought $500. That item was sweetened when professional flute instructor and player, Peter A. Ali, performed, and then offered a free lesson to the highest bidder.

West Seattle's iconic Cal Bannon, 91, & his lady friend, Flora Belle Key, bid highest for an evening rental of the Longhouse dining room facility in October. Ms. Key promptly stood and invited everyone present to the party she plans to throw there.


Woman threatening with knife taken into custody after standoff

Woman threatening with knife taken into custody after standoff

Posted by Detective Mark Jamieson on the SPD Police Blotter

Two King County Mental Health Professionals attempted to contact a woman at her apartment in the 6300 Block of 34th Avenue SW last night.

They were there to commit her for making threats toward people.

When the MHPs attempted to contact her last night just before 8:00 pm, she threatened them and armed herself with a knife. The MHPs backed off and called police.

Officers from the Southwest Precinct responded to the location.

The woman displayed the knife, and continued to make threats towards the officers and MHPs.

A Crisis Intervention Team officer spoke with the woman, but to no avail. SWAT responded to the scene and eventually made entry into the apartment.

A taser application was necessary, but the 49 year old woman was safely taken into custody and committed into the hospital by the MHPs.
