The show is over; Des Moines Theater is up for sale
It was a bold move. Buy a movie theater and remake the heart of the City of Des Moines. Tom Lin and partner Isaiah Dummer bought the Des Moines Theater from the estate of the former owner last December and immediately had big plans to make it a centerpiece.
But those plans, first put on hold, are now memories. The 10,000 sq. ft plus facility on Marine View Drive has retail space in addition to the movie house. The plan was to lease out that space and use it to pay the debt on the loan. But they hit some snags. They cleaned out what proved to be a space jam packed with old equipment, cleaned up the retail spaces and theater and got it prepared for development. "The theater is ready to go now," said Lin.
But theaters today are in a state of change with so many options for entertainment. It would have meant making it ready for both film and stage use, bringing in new projection equipment, theatrical lighting, building dressing rooms and more.