REMINDER: Admiral Theater's FREE community Christmas movie 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' Dec. 16
The Admiral Theater's annual FREE community Christmas movie is Tim Burton's animated, "The Nightmare Before Christmas." It will show at 4pm, Sunday Dec. 16.
You are urged to arrive early since the theater will fill fast.
Admission is free but you are asked for a donation to The Seattle Humane Society.
Bring dog/cat food, toys, bedding, etc. to donate at the event.
Nightmare Before Christmas is rated PG
Film Synopsis:
As the film opens Jack Skellington, the pumpkin king of Halloween Town, is tired of the same old thing every year. He wanders into the woods and finds some holiday trees and each has a town in it. He goes to the Christmas one and finds himself in Christmas Town. He is fascinated by Santa and presents. He goes back to explain the magic to the residents of Halloween Town and they decide to make their own Christmas with their own twist of course.
- Directed by Henry Selick
- Produced by Tim Burton
- Denise Di Novi
- Screenplay by Caroline Thompson
- Michael McDowell
- Story by Tim Burton
Music by Danny Elfman