Public storage building coming to lot by Ballard Bridge
A new building containing public storage space, offices and parking will be coming to the largely empty space next to the Ballard Bridge at 1515 NW Leary Way.
According to the Department of Planning and Development, DPD has approved a Land Use Application to allow a five-story structure containing 83,682 square feet of mini-warehouse space with 1,887 square feet of care takers quarters/administrative office and 500 square feet for accessory retail. Parking for 41 vehicles will be provided below and at grade.
Currently the space, the Dirt Exchange lot, is used for open storage of landscaping materials.
A SEPA review found that there were no significant impacts. Other than temporary impacts that normally come with construction, there will be a slight increase in ambient noise due to increased human activity as well as a slight increase in traffic, but the SEPA review determined them to be insignificant in scale. As such, an environmental impact statement is not required.