SLIDESHOW: 2012 Chief Sealth basketball Jamboree tests teams mettle
Teams from across the Puget Sound region gathered at Chief Sealth High School on Saturday for the 2012 Basketball Jamboree.
The jamboree is an opportunity for teams to get brief playing time against other schools to assess experience and see how the chemistry of each team is playing out before the regular season starts next week.
The matchups are short, only ten minutes per game. This format is twofold. The truncated playing time keeps the possibility of injury to a minimum and allows for many teams an opportunity to participate in the jamboree.
Early in the jamboree Sealth defeated Roosevelt HS 16-15 and Evergreen HS took down Kentlake HS 27-15.
In the final game of the afternoon the Chief Sealth went heads up against Lynnwood HS. This game turned out to be the best of the day. Sealth’s defense was quick and smothering.
The Seahawks created 4 forced turnovers all leading to fast break points. While Sealth fielded a slightly smaller team they were much quicker and more agile than Lynnwood. Sealth’s defense was all over the Royals and allowed only four shot attempts from inside the paint.