Students at Highline High School rally for healthier hearts by holding a “Red Out”
Highline Public Schools press release:
Highline High School (HHS) will turn red on Dec. 14 when Pirate fans hold their first “Red Out” in the spirit of raising awareness about heart disease, our nation’s No. 1 killer, and raising donations for the American Heart Association (AHA).
The Red Out will be held during the Quad basketball games versus Renton High School from 3:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. at the HHS Main Gym.
Leadership Class students at Highline have organized and are leading this event.
“Heart disease is a growing issue that almost no one hears about,” said senior Austin Sita, ASB treasurer and organizer of Red Out. “The Red Out gives us a chance to raise awareness among students and our community about heart disease.”
Students, players, cheerleaders, and fans will all wear red for the game.
The Burien/Normandy Park Fire Department will offer free blood pressure checks from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. The AHA will bring dummies so that attendees can practice hands-only CPR, and two Highline staff members will speak at half-time about their experiences with heart disease.