LETTER: Public requests reflect lack of trust in government
Dear SeaTac City Council,
It was brought up in council comments at the end of the meeting on 12/11/12 that Councilmember Gregerson and Mayor Anderson support efforts/position of the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) to reduce, limit, or otherwise curtail the public record requests that are harassing or otherwise costly to taxpayers by changing the statute.
The increase in public records requests are a reflection of the trust (or lack thereof) and the not so transparent actions of elected and other government officials. In other words you have brought this on yourselves.
Case in point:
The city manager stated in his final comments in above noted meeting that the $17,000 salary to a single individual was legal and transparent. Legal? Yes (the SeaTac City Council changed the law in 2009 to allow such increases with NO caps). I was there and warned against it.