February 2013

REMINDER: NHUAC public safety forum Feb 7 will tackle graffiti, marijuana and crime prevention

Here's the agenda for the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council public safety forum set for Feb. 7.

Sgt. Henry McLauchlan of the King County Sheriff’s Department will discuss how graffiti and other types of vandalism impact our community, and steps we can take to prevent and offset these problems.

Meet our new State Liquor Control Enforcement Officer:
Lt. Tim Thompson - Will provide updates regarding the states new marijuana legislation, as well as information regarding private liquor sales and distribution since the passage of 1-1183.

Chris Cody, Owner of Herban Legends Collective will fill us in on how citizens can get involved in the marijuana legislative process.

Interested in starting a Block Watch?
Nicki Maraulja, Crime Prevention Community Service Officer, will provide information to help get you started on this effective program based on the principle that neighbors working together are the first and best line of defense against crime.

BJ Myers, King County Sheriff Deputy, White Center Storefront, will give an update on crime trends in the North Highline area. Deputy Myers will also take questions regarding neighborhood concerns.


School board narrowly approves capacity management plan

By a vote of 4-3 on Jan. 31, the Seattle School Board approved the annual capacity management plan and updated student assignment transition plan in hopes of making room for an ever-growing student population.

In West Seattle, the capacity plan will result in a mixture of solutions, from transitioning unused or otherwise spoken for spaces into classrooms to placing portable classrooms on site.

The main changes with regard to student assignments include the specific plan to make the West Seattle Elementary attendance area the geographic zone for K-5 STEM currently housed at the Boren Building on Delridge Way S.W. (K-5 STEM is an option school for kindergarten through 5th grade focusing on science, technology, engineering and math).


West Seattle Lions Club announces scholarships for local students

The West Seattle Lion’s Club has announced they will be making their 2013 Scholarship Awards.

Six $1,000.00 scholarships will be offered to graduating seniors living in the West Seattle area, as defined by the Seattle School Board. All awards will be paid directly to the registrar’s office of the school selected by the student.

Applications can be obtained from school counselors at West Seattle High School, Seattle Lutheran High School and Sealth High School or from Dr. James T. Dunham, 3255 California Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98113. All completed applications must be received in Dr. Dunham’s office no later than April 15, 2013.


Forum on homelessness, Feb. 2

If you want to learn about homelessness and how you can help, this Saturday is your chance.

At the Odd Fellows Lodge in Ballard (1706 NW Market Street), the Safe Parking Community Network (SPCN) will be holding a forum called "Stages of Homelessness."

The keynote speaker will be James Bible, President of Seattle King County NAACP, who will be speaking on poverty and the law. In addition, there will be an update on Ballard's Safe Parking Program (started in early 2012 by Councilman Mike O'Brien and Our Redeemers Lutheran Church) followed by a panel discussion. The meal will be provided by the Stone Soup Group, which serves food under the Ballard Bridge every Sunday using donations, led by local homelessness advocate Graham Pruss.

"People do not suddenly become chronically homeless. Often circumstances beyond their control cause a downward spiral in which the barriers to re-housing grow at every turn. Until recently, the focus has been on those who are living in shelters or on the street. But the rising tide of homelessness has not been stemmed."


Time: Saturday, Feb. 2, 6 p.m.


Mike's Chili Parlor in national spotlight, again

Mike's Chili Parlor was featured in the national spotlight before, on Food Networks "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives"

Who can resist Mike's chili? Apparently not America.

Once again the quaint chili parlor nestled on the side of Ballard Bridge (1447 NW Ballard Way) has found itself in the national spotlight. It will be featured on Destination America's "United States of Bacon" featuring Chef Todd Fisher, on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 6 p.m. PST.

Fisher and the folks from the show filmed at the parlor back in September. A bunch of regulars showed up and got the chance of experiencing a national television production and interact with the popular Californian chef.

“Chef Todd Fisher’s energy and experience made the shoot a fun and educational for everyone involved” said Mike Semandiris. “This is a great opportunity to share our passion with America.”

Fittingly, the parlor is having a viewing party during the show on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 6 p.m. PST. For more on that, call the parlor at (206) 782-2808.


Problem with Ballard parking pay-stations?

Problems in Ballard fixed, but occurring in other places now

A reader wrote us concerned about persisting problems she had with pay stations in Ballard back in December. While the problems have since been fixed within the neighborhood, it continues on in other areas.

Carol said that she has had no problems operating pay stations before, but found in December -- primarily along NW Market St near 20th Ave NW -- that the stations would stall when she tried to pay with a credit card. It would say something to the effect of "Please wait a moment," but then a moment would turn into eternity, and if it ever came back it would just repeat itself, she said. She said other parking patrons also experienced the same problem.

What Carol then encountered was a conundrum: She couldn't pay for parking, but she couldn't simply leave her car unattended, or else a parking enforcement officer would ticket her. It's either take the risk or take her business elsewhere.


Police Blotter: Woman stabbed with pen; suspect in numerous violent crimes arrested; several burglaries in Ballard

By Cassandra Baker

11:32 p.m., January 27. 8th block of NW 85th St

A bartender called police after an intoxicated customer attacked a woman who attempted to assist her. The complainant said that she was tending the bar when she noticed a highly intoxicated female. She asked the female to leave, and the female stood up, knocked things off of the bar, and went outside. The complainant described the suspect as a white female, 52 years old, 5’2” and 125 lbs.

Police then spoke with the victim, who said that she was inside the bar when she saw the suspect yelling and causing a disturbance. The suspect then walked outside and fell to the ground. When the victim attempted to help the suspect to her feet, the suspect stabbed her in the hand with a pen, causing a deep wound. The suspect hit a person who tried to intervene, and then attempted to run away, biting another person before fleeing the scene.

The victim said that a friend would take her to the hospital. Police searched the area for the suspect but did not locate her. The bar does have surveillance cameras.

January 27. Mount Baker
