Community members, architects discuss new Genesee Hill elementary school
By Gwen Davis
Parents and community members gathered at a Community Conversation on Thursday evening the 14th to discuss the proposed site for a new elementary school on Genesee Hill.
“Schmitz Park Elementary was one of the schools to get a new building at Genesee Hill, since a school levy passed a couple of years ago,” said Kerrie Schurr, communications chair of the Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council (GSNC). “The design process started in November, and it’s continuing on from there.”
The meeting focused on how the new facility would physically look. Architects of the company to construct the building, BLRB, presented a PowerPoint showcasing diagrams of the proposed plan. The diagrams were crude rough-drafts of the final version, they said, analogous to “crayon” sketches.
The building will not near actual construction until spring 2014. The new school is scheduled to open its doors in September 2015.
The school district has been renovating school buildings for the past several years. It first began with the high schools, then the middle schools and now finally the elementary schools are getting a makeover.