Ballard Ave featured in Sunset Magazine
If you want a little self esteem booster today, pick up a copy of Sunset Magazine's May issue, which is on stands now. It features Ballard Ave in a nice one-page spread called "Seattle's New Ballard." (Keep in mind some old-time Ballardites would be insulted or horrified to be defined by downtown Ballard's newfound trendiness.)
The page features the age-old Ballard Smoke Shop, the Ballard Locks (of course), Hot Cakes (mmm), Ballard Pizza Company (mmm, again), The Walrus and The Carpenter (who doesn't feature them?), Dutch Bike Co. and more.
Of course, Sunset Magazine, which is a west coast mag based out of California, is no stranger to Ballard. It has featured our neighborhood time and time again, showcasing the Tractor Tavern, Swanson's Nursery and the many places you can shop at. See for yourself what Sunset Magazine sees so special in Ballard with their search function at…
But of course, you already know why Ballard is so great, but it's always nice to brag a bit.
Zachariah Bryan can be reached at