Jerry's View: I love you, Mom
I know that Mother's Day is this Sunday so I need to write about the World's Champion Mother... my mom.
What was so great about her? Let me count the ways.
She had ten kids. With the help of my dad, of course. I was number eight. He was a traveling salesman and came home ten times.
I grew up in Portland and we lived in a dilapidated old four-bedroom house with a wood burning furnace and a leaking roof. Every time it rained we put buckets and pots on the floor. Rent was cheap if we paid it at all, sometimes needing to move in the middle of the night to a new place to avoid paying for the old place.
Dad wasn’t much of a provider because he had a drinking problem. We loved him though.
Mom was the rock. She read to the four of us in the afternoons before she took her daily nap. I still have her well thumbed copy of Anderson's Fairy Tales.