SLIDESHOW: Salmon Bay students take on the Oregon Trail
Last Friday, 110 students from Salmon Bay Elementary recreated the Oregon Trail experience, trudging and toiling their way eight miles from Ballard to Magnuson Park. The kids went all out for the biannual event, dressing up like miniature modern day Lewises and Clarks. Wherever they went, peoples' heads turned at the unexpected surprise of the small army of pioneers.
When the Ballard News-Tribune caught up with the crew, around U-Village, the once energetic kids had begun to slow. Teacher Brian Williamson said they were just beginning to understand what the pioneers on the Oregon Trail had experience. Of course, while the kids walked on a paved trail and did not have to repeat the experience again the next morning, pioneers would travel for up to six months at a time on rugged, pathless terrain.
Still, Williamson said it was a good learning experience for the children, most of whom probably haven't walked such a long distance in their life. The children slogged along the Burke-Gilman Trail for about six hours. "There's triumph in overcoming adversity," he said.
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