CLARIFICATION: While Burien CARES animal control officer Ray Helms is scheduled on duty at the CARES shelter 40 hours per week, he is also on call for emergencies 24/7 and many times has responded to 911 calls after hours and on days the shelter is closed.
“I want to reassure Burien residents that local animal control is available to them on an emergency basis at all times,” Helms said. “Part of the increased funding referred to in your article is to cover the salary of an additional part-time, nationally trained animal control officer to provide back-up coverage at times when I am out sick, on vacation, or otherwise unavailable. This was one of the improvement recommendations made in the recent audit report.”
Burien lawmakers on a 4-3 vote have extended to May 30, 2016 the Burien CARES animal services contract and increased its funding from $120,000 to $170,000 per year.
Animal services has been discussed by Burien council members for a long time and is a contentious issue in the current council election races.