Cattywampus kids brings kids clothing resale to White Center Nov. 2 in a pop-up store
Center Studio in White Center at 9611 16th Ave SW is the site of a new pop up store called Cattywampus Kids, a new children's clothing re-sale store open the 1st Saturday of every month.
Co-owners, Lonjina Verdugo and Nina Hufford, have hunted and handpicked the store's inventory.
Working directly with local artisans and national wholesalers the owners hope to bring a wide variety of children's new clothing, accessories and gear to the store.
In a press release they explained their methods and mission:
"When it comes to toys - we love vintage! Remember that old-school yellow metal Tonka dump trunk? What about that Fisher Price rolling telephone? And our current favorite, vintage My Little Pony? Our toy inventory will always be changing as we find and sell these hard to find favorites. You'll have to visit often to see what's new.