SLIDESHOW: West Seattle Lights introduce Sir Charles of Charlestown snowman in 2013 debut
On Saturday, November 30th, West Seattle Lights held their 5th Annual Lighting Ceremony at the home of Corey and Taylor Helmstetler at 3908 SW Charlestown. A crowd of about 100 people showed up with many bringing a donation of food for West Seattle Food Bank or The Northwest Parkinson’s Foundation.
The event introduced new element this year, a talking and singing 8 Foot Tall Snowman who was the subject of a naming contest. Named Sir Charles of Charlestown he was named by Tim Van Liew who won a gift bag plus the honor of starting the show with a push of a button. Along with Sir Charles were two talking/singing Christmas trees.
The lighting ceremony included some carol singing by Derek Wickers and Elena Wickers and Julie Winder. Elena also sang the opening song for the event.
Derek is a software engineer at Boeing and Elena was with the Metropolitan Opera for four years and Julie is the bartender at West Seattle Bowl.
Last year West Seattle Lights collected nearly 1100 lbs of food for the West Seattle Food Bank and over $2500 for both the Food Bank and NW Parkinson’s Foundation.