Big houses on small lots get a ruling from Seattle City Council, but some are still angry
By Steve Shay
A controversial development involving an older house bookended by two new tall houses in West Seattle's upscale Benchview neighborhood angered neighbors and sparked the Seattle City Council to enact a sweeping downzone affecting small single family lots and houses citywide. Developers in West Seattle, Ballard, and other neighborhoods with precious and pricy lots are taking note. So are longtime homeowners who counted on selling a vacant swath of their property or selling their house as a tear down to pay their retirement.
The Benchview development hugs the southeast corner of 55th Av. SW and SW Manning St, about four blocks west of Schmitz Park Elementary School. The two new houses, marketed by Blueprint Capital, and the existing home, offer panoramic views of Alki below, and shimmering Puget Sound beyond. The neighbors' beef? The new cribs were out of scale. The original house and property, a relatively large 11,500 square foot lot, sold for $860,000 to Ronald Day of Silverado Development according to King County records.