SDOT to fix SW Roxbury with package of short and long-term projects
By Gwen Davis
SDOT finally came out with its highly anticipated safety improvement plans for the SW Roxbury Street Road Corridor during the design alternatives meeting Thurs. night. A packed room in the southwest library of largely Roxbury residents provided feedback and comments.
SDOT's project manager Jim Curtin facilitated the meeting.
Background: Last summer residents teamed up to insist that the city do a safety study and fix the problems on SW Roxbury, one of the most dangerous arterials in the city, according to activists. They sent a letter to the mayor and the city council, and SDOT agreed to take up the issue. Now, approximately one year later, SDOT owns a package of both short and long-term safety improvement plans.
Here are the plan takeaways:
--> Short-term projects SDOT is engaged in and/or committed to: There are now photo enforcements installed for Holy Family and Roxhill. Curve warning and advisory speed limit signs were installed on Roxbury/Olson Place curve. Installation is pending for a left turn yield (green ball) signage at Roxbury/Olson SW.