“It feels like angel kisses. It feels like cat whispers (laughs). No, I don’t know, it just kind of vibrates and feels like a nasty sun burn,” said Sara Purr, a tattoo artist at Rabid Hands Studios (4775 Ballard Ave. N.W).
Sara sits under a bright light on what looks like a comfy dentist chair, while Jerad Shealey, owner of Rabid Hands, tattoos an illustration of Sara’s dog, Franklin, on her leg.
Purr's skin reddens and goose bumps rise and fall under the rhythmic vibration of Shealey’s iron (ink gun) and steady hand.
“It feels like a razor burn when you shave your legs or on your face, and then you put something on it that really stings. … It feels like a tattoo.“
Shealey tattooing a grim reaper themed rendition of Purr's dog, Franklin, on her leg. Photo by Shane Harms
Rabid Hands is the newest tattoo studio to open in Ballard and has been embedding ink in the epidermis of Ballardites for about a year.
About the sensation of getting a tattoo, Shealey said,“You just need to channel your warrior spirit."