UPDATE: City proposes new options for Barton family in ongoing legal fight; Hearing today aired both sides no decision yet
By Tim Clifford
UPDATE 10:40pm Aug. 8
In a hearing today in King County Superior Court forced by Triangle Properties filing of a Writ of Mandamus naming Mayor Ed Murray, and Police Chief Kathleen O'Toole, both sides had a chance to be heard regarding the dispute over the home between the Barton family and Triangle. The writ was filed to force the city to take action on the eviction of the Barton's from the house. Previously the family was evicted in a highly contested action that brought out demonstrators from SAFE (Seattleites Against Foreclosure and Eviction). That resulted in the halting of the eviction procedure and the subsequent re-occupation of the home by the Bartons. In a press release SAFE said, "Rather than support the Mayor's decision, Triangle Properties chose to jump the gun, using up valuable county resources by bringing Mayor Murray and Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole to court today, August 8th. Prior to the court hearing, SAFE held a press conference that included speakers Jean Barton and 43rd District candidate Jess Spear.