Pat's View: “Learning to write gooder”
by Pat Cashman
My wife and I were looking at a beautiful sunset over Hawaii the other day. More specifically, we were looking at a photo of a beautiful sunset over Hawaii. There must be photos of beautiful sunsets over Covington, but they’re not as widely distributed.
“That sunset sure is neat,” I said.
“Neat? ”said my wife. “What century are you living in? Who says neat anymore?”
I replied loftily, “Guys who are cool cats and groovy hipsters---that’s who! Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to go get something out of the icebox.”
Yea, it IS something I do---use words long after their expiration date---but mostly just to be ironic. I just think it’s sort of funny to say, “How’s it going, Daddio?”---as if I were a latter day beatnik dropped to earth.
My wife thinks it’s pathetic. “You are about as much of a beatnik as you are an NBA power forward,” she says. Remarks like that can cut deep into my 6’ 11” muscular frame.
Who gets to decide which words---or practices---are no longer relevant? Why do perfectly good,