At Large in Ballard: Gift Lizard
By Peggy Sturdivant
As we joined the first night standing ovation my friend said, “Touches of genius in this.” Then she poked me, “You’re going to want to write about it aren’t you?”
Over pre-theater dinner we had discussed whether accepting press tickets for Seattle Repertory’s Theater’s premier of “Lizard Boy” obligated me to write about it. We had decided I was not obligated (whether I should even accept press tickets versus a real theater critic was too weighted for discussion over appetizers).
I knew all of three things about the play before I invited Suzanne Perry, Events Coordinator from Secret Garden Books to join me as “guest plus one.” I knew the play was a musical, it was called “Lizard Boy,” and it was a one-man show. But I was wrong, so I only knew two things. I didn’t even have the right stage so at first we climbed to the wrong balcony.