LETTER: South King Fire & Rescue Bond Issue
I urge a yes vote on the April 28th election of the bond for South King Fire & Rescue. The district has earned the best rating in Washington for overall performance. Prop. 1 will maintain this rating, which keeps insurance rates low, for fast emergency medical and cardiac response & help keep South King safe. It also includes needed fire station upgrades, decontamination areas, earthquake safety improvements, up-to-date fire trucks and ambulances, and technology infrastructure upgrades.
South King Firefighters respond to more than 17,000 emergency calls for firefighting, basic life support, and cardiac arrests. Prop. 1 will upgrade Firefighter Safety Equipment to meet current safety standards including up-to-date equipment for dangerous firefighting and life-saving situations.
Everyone has to vote, every vote counts. When you get the ballot, fill it out and send it right back. This levy requires a 60% super-majority to pass. The cost for the average homeowner of a $250,000 home would be about $78 per year, or $6.50 per month for these improvements. Vote YES in SUPPORT of our community's safety!
Wayne Corey