Roadside Survey of Driver Drug and Alcohol Use will be back in King County this weekend
Researchers from the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation will be interviewing motorists and gathering data in six Washington counties in June 2015, as part of a research project aimed at measuring driver drug and alcohol use patterns.
“Impaired drivers kill more than 200 people each year in Washington State. This research will help us better understand the extent of the problem,” said Washington Traffic Safety Commission Director Darrin Grondel.
The project is being funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and organized in collaboration with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission.
Data collectors will work in Spokane, Yakima, King, Snohomish, Whatcom and Kitsap counties and at five separate locations within each of those counties. For drivers, participation in this research is voluntary and anonymous. Last June they interviewed a total of 926 drivers.
“We are grateful to the media for helping us get the word out about this project because we want motorists to know that the survey is entirely voluntary and anonymous. Researchers will not block traffic,” Grondel said.