July 2015

Television Evolution

By Kyra-lin Hom

Please excuse me for a moment, while I interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you a little #SaveHannibal and a reflection on the changing nature of television entertainment.

In the beginning, television shows were mostly judged by how many people were watching when they aired. Determining a show's popularity and general profitability was pretty easy. Even in the early days of online streaming (watching media content online without having to download it), there was no such thing as competition between television networks and online streaming sites (excepting the free ones with pirated content that all companies united against). One produced the content, while the other distributed the product.


Pat's View: Sleepless

By Pat Cashman

West Seattle is quite lovely this summery time of year. Lawns that were once green are now brown as a UPS truck---and the grass crunches under your feet as if walking on a blanket of shredded wheat.

The sidewalks are not only hot enough to fry eggs, but excellent for tempura too.

As Yogi Berra once said, “It ain’t the heat, it’s the humility.”

Hot, humble nights make for lousy sleep. And some of us are having trouble with both. From Ambaum Boulevard to Beach Drive; Des Moines to Allentown; White Center to Normandy Park---people are tossing and turning. The exception is Burien where there is only turning. Sleep researchers are at a loss to explain why this is so.

After all, it’s said we spend one-third of our lives sleeping. Another third is spent working, eating---the remaining third for car keys and remotes.

Nobody finds a way to get in trouble when they’re sleeping. Slumbering robbers don’t threaten banks.
A bald-faced lie told in one’s sleep does little harm to the person---or the bald face.


Burien trio paddles for pride

by Matt Parker

Ed note: Burien resident, Matt Parker told us last week* about a harrowing experience with a sinking dinghy in the shipping channel of Puget Sound just off Three Three Point. In the 16 years since that incident Matt has been using better judgement around the cold waters of the Sound. Here is his account of an ambitious paddle board trip with two of his friends.
(*Westside Weekly issue issue 7/3/2015 pg 13)

Our goal? using a stand up paddle board (SUP) to navigate a trip from Normandy Park, south around Vashon Island and back to where we started in one long day.

With common sense a factor learned from my adventure more than 16 years ago, I felt the need to challenge myself. I recruited two friends who just happen to be local firefighters. I figured if I got in trouble again, who better than with people trained to make good, life saving decisions.


Burien PD assist in getting stolen bike returned

By Tim Clifford

Here, submitted for your approval, is a small and local tale highlighting the power of social media. On June 29, at 8:45 p.m., artist Kim McCarthy’s son had his bicycle stolen outside of the Safeway in Burien Plaza. On June 30, right after midnight, McCarthy began tweeting out a picture of the green Motobecanebike asking for help from social media in locating it. At some point during the day she posted an ad to craigslist as well.

Going by the handle “urbansoule” on Twitter McCarthy eventually tagged the Burien Police Department in her tweets and found out that they are indeed “listening”. Cpt. Bryan Howard began a thread with McCarthy offering advice on other sites to post the story to and eventually gave her a number to call to speak directly with a detective.


All Incoming Seventh-Grade Students Invited to Middle School Transition Program

Online registration for Middle School Bridge is now open

Burien, WA– Next year's seventh-grade students in Highline Public Schools now have an exciting opportunity to get to know their new middle school community before the first day of school. All students are encouraged to attend Middle School Bridge on August 18 – 20.

The free program is designed to help students begin their middle school experience successfully and will be offered at Cascade, Chinook, Pacific, and Sylvester Middle Schools.

Online registration is now open. Click the name of your neighborhood school to fill out the registration form:
• Cascade Middle School
• Chinook Middle School
• Pacific Middle School
• Sylvester Middle School

Students will actively engage with their new school community through hands-on lessons and activities and explore the many wonderful opportunities waiting for them in middle school and beyond.

WHO: All incoming seventh-grade students
WHAT: Middle School Bridge
WHEN: August 18 - 20, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 
WHERE: Your neighborhood middle school

WHY: To ensure a positive transition from elementary to middle school

Transportation, breakfast, and lunch are all provided.


Duwamish Tribe denied federal recognition

The Associated Press has reported that the federal government has again rejected the Duwamish Tribe's petition for federal recognition as an Indian tribe.

The decision came late last week from the U.S. Department of Interior that denied the tribe official recognition, which would have entitled them to federal benefits such as housing, fishing rights and the possibility of operating a casino. The tribe of roughly 600 members has sought the recognition since 1977 and built a tribal longhouse and cultural center on West Marginal Way SW to house some of their artifacts though many, according to the tribe have been appropriated by other area tribes.

The tribe was recognized at the end of the Clinton administration—only to have that positive determination overturned by the incoming Bush administration. The tribe was granted a 6 month extension, to raise $100,000 to hire an expert witness to review 31,000 pages provided by the BIA.


Rapid Development in West Seattle, How do high density urban centers affect you?

Ask District 1 candidates about this and other matters at Summerfest July 11

On Saturday July 11th at 2pm Sustainable West Seattle, The West Seattle Herald and the 34th Dems will
be hosting a candidate’s forum on the Greenlife Stage at the West Seattle SummerFest.
The panel will be moderated by Patrick Robinson.

This will be your final chance before the August primary to hear what the candidates for District 1, (West Seattle and South Park) have to say about the effects of high density development and the solutions they have in mind.

The questions will center on the issues of traffic congestion, road conditions due to construction, public
and open space, school classroom size and the changing character of a West Seattle so jam packed.

You can have a voice by leaving your question in the comment box. With limited time we can only
choose between the best questions so make yours count.

Join us at the Greenlife Festival a part of West Seattle SummerFest July 10-13 2015




SWSHS restates 'This place still matters' with new photograph

The annual fourth of July picnic gathering at the Southwest Seattle Historical Society was marked by the "repeat" of a photograph taken in 2010 to garner public support for the preservation of the Alki Homestead, the historic structure originally built in 1905 which was the subject of much debate and concern about its future ever since a fire damaged the landmark building in 2009.

Since sold to developer Dennis Schilling the building is now undergoing a painstaking section by section restoration.

The SWSHS gathered as many people as they could, roughly 40, to retake the photo and restate again the importance of the historic structure.

The final photo, taken by Jean Sherard will be made available later.


SLIDESHOW: Hundreds of people attend annual 4th of July Parade in West Seattle

The annual 4th of July parade kicked off to a great start under bright sunny skies on Saturday, July 4, 2015. Hundreds of people from all over the area showed up in style sporting Red, White, and Blue, even pets came all dressed up.

The parade kicked off around 10am on 44th Ave SW and Sunset Ave SW traveling through North Admiral streets and then cross over California Ave SW and finish at Hamilton Viewpoint Park where fun family festivities such as games, concessions, and more.
