For less than a buck a band, jazz festival returns to Burien
By Eric Mathison
There’s always some fun event happening in Burien.
Brat Trot and Cove to Clover, Wild Strawberry Festival, Arts Aglow, Empty Bowls, 4th of July Parade and Vision 20/20 to name a few.
One of my favorites is the Highline Classic Jazz Festival. This year it’s coming up this Saturday, Sept. 19.
I may be a little biased because I am on the board of Burien Arts Association, which sponsors the event.
However, I loved the festival even before I started volunteering.
Current Burien Arts president Lance Haslund invented the festival. Back in 2009 when Lance was a new Burien Arts trustee, members were brainstorming about new events they could present.
“In the middle of the night, I woke up and suddenly realized I knew a lot of musicians who played early jazz that I could get to perform,” Lance recalls.
At the time, Lance was playing rhythm guitar in a traditional jazz band at the New Orleans Restaurant in Pioneer Square.
The first three years, the festival was staged at the Performing Arts Center (PAC,) next to Highline High in Burien. Four bands played in the afternoon and four bands played in the evening.