Whither, Burien?
By Eric Mathison
My computer tells me “whither” means ”to what place” or “into what state.”
Let’s discuss this week—Whither, Burien?
In other words, with inevitable growth and an almost certain future “discovering” of Burien what do we want our town to be like in the future.
In an earlier column, I charged that the city of Seattle is trying to commit livability suicide for its middle class residents. I cited outrageous housing prices, threats against single-family zoning and possible new restrictions on parking.
I also took a bemused shot at formerly bedraggled Seattle neighborhoods that suddenly are trendy.
I characterized the old West Seattle as a place populated by retired workers who had never got out and young marrieds planning their escape. Belltown was where you picked up day help at the Millionaires Club.
Georgetown was where Boeing employees moved to cold-water flats after their ex-wives hired merciless divorce attorneys. South Lake Union was a parking lot for Seattle Times staffers. As for the old Scandinavian hotbed of Ballard, I could only manage, “Ya sure, ya betcha.”