Mass Transit Now Coalition Launches Campaign to Pass Sound Transit 3 Ballot Measure this November
As the Sound Transit Board completed its final vote on a major new light rail, commuter rail and bus rapid transit expansion package, the growing Mass Transit Now coalition today announced the launch of the campaign to pass the Sound Transit 3 transit expansion measure on the November ballot.
“The extension of reliable, predictable light rail service from Federal Way to Tacoma, additional Sounder commuter rail service, and the extension to Tacoma Community College means that Tacoma and Pierce County will now be reliably connected to SeaTac, Seattle, and our entire central Puget Sound region. That is going to be a huge plus for the South Sound economy and for the quality of life of Pierce County residents, and that is why I am enthusiastically backing the Mass Transit Now campaign,” said Pierce County Executive Pat McCarthy, who sits on the Sound Transit board.