August 2016

Fire destroys motorhome in White Center

A motorhome near the shopping mall called white cheddar Square at Southwest 100 and SW. 14th St. went up in flames on Friday afternoon. Firefighters from King County district 2 and highline fire district came to douse the flames with water and foam .

There were concerns that the fire might cause an explosion and bystanders were urged to stay back.

Fire fighters went on the roof of the shopping center to see if there were any burning embers.

No immediate cause for the fire had been determined and no damage estimate offered but the motorhome was a complete loss .


Updated: Port of Seattle is set to chop down nearly 3,000 trees; other officials say the plan isn't well thought-out

By Gwen Davis

Nearly 3,000 trees around SeaTac Airport will be cut down, in an effort to create for more viewing space for pilots who are landing planes.

The Port of Seattle decided that this tree-cutting effort, dubbed the Flight Corridor Safety Program, would span three years.

"Removal of the obstructions will ensure the Airport complies with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations for airport operators to protect flight operations into and out of the airport and assure that objects obstructing aircraft approach and departure areas are removed," stated the Port's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) in July.
"The Flight Corridor Safety Program is planned to be accomplished in three phases and will remove a total of approximately 2,750 trees over the next three years ending in 2019," the act continued.  "Phase 1, expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2016, will include the removal of obstructions on Port-owned properties, Phase 2 will include the removal of obstructions on commercial and public properties, and Phase 3 will include the removal of obstructions on private properties."


15th Annual 'Cooking with Class' at Salty's will benefit Pike Place Market Foundation Sept. 15

The 15th Annual Cooking with Class event on Sept. 15 is a remarkable combination of 22 chefs, wines, and a learning experience all to benefit low income seniors through the Pike Place Market Foundation.

During the event participants choose three chefs and interact with them, actually making the dishes and learning their techniques. 22 of the top Northwest chefs are there to provide hands-on training to small groups of 8, with each chef training three groups of people for 30 minutes each. Northwest wineries pair their wines with the chefs' food.

In addition to the classes and food a live auction with door prizes will be provided, hosted by John Curley and Chef Jeremy McLachlan of Salty's Seafood Grills.

The evening starts with fresh-shucked oysters from Taylor Shellfish on the front deck: fresh oysters, oyster-friendly wine and beer.

Cost is $150 per person.

This year's event takes place again in the banquet rooms at Salty's on Alki. Check in for registered attendees begins at 6 p.m. (pre-registration is a must for this sell-out event). Classes begin at 6:45 p.m.


Forty person fight on Alki leads to two men being shot

According to Seattle Police around 2:15 am Friday morning witnesses called 911 to report a fight involving as many as 40 people near the intersection of 59th SW and Alki Ave. SW. Another report mentioned guns and shots being fired.

Once police arrived at the scene they were unable to find any victims. Some fifteen minutes after the calls came in two men came to Harborview Medical Center checked themselves in for gunshot wounds. One had suffered a gunshot wound to the lower back, and the other was shot in the arm.

Gang Unit detectives who are now investigating the incident spoke with both men and determined they were shot during the fight along Alki. Detectives do not believe this was a random shooting and that the victims may have known their attackers.

This is an active investigation Seattle Police.

If you have any information in this case please call the violent crime tip line at (206)233-5000.


96 degrees? Here are some tips and places on staying cool

With temperatures expected to be above 95 degrees the next couple of days here are some tips and places you might need to know to keep your cool.

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water. Have a beverage with you at all times, and sip or drink frequently. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink.

Avoid drinks with caffeine, alcohol and large amounts of sugar because they can actually de-hydrate your body.
Protect your pets

Pets are especially vulnerable in high heat and the Seattle Animal Shelter recommends the following:

Never leave your animal chained or penned up directly in sunlight. Provide a shady area for retreat, such as a dog house, porch or shady tree, and always provide cool water.

If you leave animals indoors, open screened windows, keep a fan running, provide plenty of water, and if possible, leave them in a cool location.

Never leave dogs or cats unattended in a closed, locked car. Animals do not perspire like humans; they cool themselves by panting and seats in vehicles get hot under animals’ feet and prevent them from perspiring through their paws.


The Psychic View – Worlds Apart

By Marjorie Young

I recently had a peculiar encounter at the Ballard Sunday Market, where I go (weather permitting) to do psychic readings. A nice looking young man approached, asking if I believed in a ‘spiritual realm.’ I replied that I did. Then he demanded to know if I was a follower of Jesus. I politely answered that I wasn’t. His reaction was to launch into a harangue, warning that I was ‘doing evil’ and that I’d better change my ways before it was too late. I observed that I was glad that he’d found ‘his truth.’ He retorted that what he believes is THE truth. Again, I said I was happy for him. Dissatisfied, he eventually went on his way…only to reappear on subsequent Sundays to interrupt my sessions, delivering ominous warnings to my clients that they were ‘joining a cult’ and ‘listening to Satan’ by engaging with me. Fortunately, they took it in stride, one telling him pleasantly that she didn’t believe in his religion. (I’m still scratching my head over the ‘cult’ accusation)!


Arts a Glow returns to illuminate Dottie Harper Park Sept. 10

Burien's unique night time festival of lights, Arts a Glow is back in Dottie Harper Park on Sept. 10 starting at 5pm. The park is located at SW 146th St, Burien, Washington 98166. The event is free.

The event features lantern art and performers, face painting, lantern making, food vendors and tea and treats.

Community Procession at Dusk!
Bring your lanterns! Dress in costume! Bring shakers and bells to play as you walk to make beautiful music! Procession map

Performers / Activities
5:00-6:15 PM Harp by Jini O'Flynn
5:00-7:45PM Lantern Making
5:00-9:00PM Face Painting by Burien Arts
6:30-7:30PM Stiltwalking and more by Cabiri
6:30-7:45PM Klezmer with KletzerBalm
6:30-9:30PM Trapeze performances by Cabiri
8:00-8:20PM Procession with music by KletzerBalm & Peter Lippman
8:20-9:30PM East Indian music by Shantikar

Installation Artists
Ann Durant and Catherine Evard will present an interactive space: "Shadow Puppet Theater".

Tory Franklin will present a large suite of story lanterns in the lower park.


US Navy officer wants your help to collect backpacks for Denny students

A West Seattlite and US Navy man is looking for help from the community.

Petty Officer First Class Garrett A. Rochon and his diesel engine crew aboard the USS Nimitz are trying to collect as many backpacks filled with school supplies as possible for Denny International Middle School.

He and his division plan to personally hand them out at 6th grade orientation Sept 1 at 6:30pm. at the school.

The basics in a fully stocked backpack would be

  • 12 No. 2 pencils
  • 2 Glue Sticks
  • 2 large pink erasers
  • 1 box of tissues
  • 8 broad tip markers
  • 1 pencil sharpener
  • 1 box of 12 colored pencils
  • 1 bottle of white glue


  • 1 1" 3 ring binder
  • 1 pack of blue pens

White Center Salvation Army taking 85 kids on Back to School shopping spree

Anthony Barnes, Captain at the White Center Salvation Army will be taking 85 kids to JC Penneys for an annual Back-To-School Shopping Spree Wednesday, Aug 24.

Volunteers will take kids through the store to shop for school clothing. Thanks to a generous donor, they are providing $200 per child for this purpose. The schedule is below:

The Salvation Army is located at 9050 16th Ave SW in White Center.
The phone is 206-767-3150, ext. 454


Fall Kick-Off community Bar-B-Que and open house at Salvation Army Sept.10

The White Center Salvation Army Community Center is holding an Open House and Community BBQ on September 10 from 11am-3pm. It's a Fall Kick-Off for their programming (i.e. After School Tutoring, Youth Choir and other character building programs - Scouts/Troops, Senior Meals and Programming, Community Center/Gym Leagues, and much more).

Their staff will be giving tours through the facility and sharing their passion and vision for service. The event will have prizes and bouncey houses, for the kids. All ages are invited.

The Salvation Army is located at 9050 16th Ave. SW in White Center.
