Pat's View: Stage Left
By Pat Cashman
A U.S. president named Donald? That’s a first.
History records no presidents Donald Washington, Don Lincoln or Donnie Roosevelt.
It is also worth noting that there have also been no presidents with the last names of Sutherland, Rickles or Duck.
Another fact: The first time President Trump signs a piece of legislation, he’ll be the first in eight years to do it right-handed. Not a fascinating fact. Just a fact.
In fact, in a further factual fact, not only is Barack Obama left-handed---but same with Bill Clinton and H.W. Bush before him. Gerald Ford was left-handed too. And perhaps left-footed.
Ronald Reagan was left-handed, but learned to write with his right---as did Harry Truman.
That all seems a bit odd---especially since perhaps only 10 percent of people in this country are left-handed---but more than half of recent presidents have been so.
Maybe it is because left-handers have to persevere more than the rest of us---and it translates into working harder to achieve. Or maybe left-handed presidential candidates put together stronger ad campaigns---who knows?