Ballard Police Blotter week of 9-9-18
Computer stolen through broken window
A complainant reports his business on 15th Ave. N.W. was burgled some time on Sept. 2. The front glass window of the business office was broken completely out. It appears that the burglar reached in and took an ASUS laptop off of the desk without making complete entry. Police could identify no items or surfaces that the suspect may have touched. At the time of the report, he did not have the model or serial number of the stolen computer.
$500 Bike Stolen
An officer was dispatched to investigate a burglary at NW 63 ST. He arrived and contacted the husband of the victim, as she was unavailable. He stated the following on her behalf: Overnight, a bike was stolen out of a shed in their yard. The shed was not locked, though the fence to the yard was. She believes that someone hopped the fence and took the bike from the shed.
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