West Seattle Transportation Coalition offers notes and comments on ST3
ST3 West Seattle and Ballard Link Extension EIS Scoping Comments on Level 3 Alternatives
Dear Stakeholder Advisory Group, Elected Leadership Group, and Sound Transit Board Members:
The West Seattle Transportation Coalition (WSTC) works to address transportation and mobility issues for Seattle’s largest constituency – the nearly 100,000 people living on the 10 square miles of the West Seattle Peninsula. WSTC’s top issue has always been ingress-egress and mobility issues between our neighborhoods and Downtown or points beyond. The West Seattle Bridge Transportation Corridor (WSBTC) is the city’s busiest transportation artery. It connects us with major north-south routes (SR 99, E
Marginal-Alaskan Way, Airport Way, and I-5), and carries more than 122,000 vehicles a day – 14,000 on the Spokane St Swing (low) Bridge, and 108,200 on the High Bridge (SDOT 2017 Seattle Traffic Flow Map).