LETTER: A voice and a breath: Something we all need to fight for
To the editor:
I am a man. I am a human being. I am a black man living in the great nation of America. It was with great sadness and also some rage, but I dare say not surprise, when as I lay there in my hospital bed in late May, recovering from pneumonia, with my own lungs thankfully on the mend after having received great care and I was able to inhale and exhale, that I saw on the TV that George Floyd’s lungs had stopped working because a white police officer had choked the life out of him.
Like every black person in the great nation of America, I have experienced racism. Not at all like George Floyd. Not literally a knee on my neck. But I have seen it and felt it since I was a young man all the way back in high school and in Texas where it was more overt. And then here when I moved to Seattle many decades ago I have felt it but it tends to be a little more covert here than in Texas. Sometimes.